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This tremin is allso in:
 Nearctic = North America - Canada + USA (North of Mexico)
Taxa: Ceratocampinae Citheronia Citheronia regalis
l2 term description link
151048 79307 English 3 Hickory horned devil

2358700 79307 English 1 Moth regal
151045 79307 English 3 Regal moth

2537752 79307 English 1 Regal Walnut Moth
2537753 79307 English 1 Royal Walnut Moth
151047 79307 English 2 Walnut moth royal

151046 79307 French 2 Chenille a corne du noyer

979828 79307 Latin Bombyx regalis
979831 79307 Latin Citheronia infernalis
103455 79307 Latin Citheronia regalis
979832 79307 Latin Citheronia saengeri
979829 79307 Latin Eruca maximacornuta
979830 79307 Latin Eruca regia
268153 79307 Slovene 1 Kraljevski prelec


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