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  •  Type forinstance 'daisy' into box with that icon . You will see what is all about.
  •  "Super term" means "Asteraceae" in case of daisy ..
  •  Clicking there will take you to photo galery, with corensponding species.
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This tremin is allso in:
 Alps flora
 Botanical garden Ljubljana
 Orto Botanico Padova
 Botanischer Garten Universität Mainz
 Botanischer Garten Graz
 Botanischer Garten Berlin
 Jardin botanique Nancy - France
 Giardino Botanico Daniela Brescia - Italia
 Africa north
l2 term description link
580889 12993 Czech 1 Devaterník

580890 12993 Czech 1 Devätorník

201435 12993 English 2 Rock rose white
257605 12993 English 1 Rose rock
2347827 12993 English 1 White rock rose
598333 12993 French 1 Hélianthàme des apennins
2543873 12993 French 1 Hèlianthème des apennins
201436 12993 French 2 Heliantheme des appenines

2279617 12993 French 1 Hélianthïme des apennins
661123 12993 French 1 Herbe à feuilles de polium
2347828 12993 German 1 Apennin sonnenroeschen
260591 12993 German 5 Apenninen sonnenröschen
201434 12993 German 2 Sonnenroeschen apennin

706151 12993 German 1 Sonnenröschen
2277663 12993 Italian 1 Eliantemo degli appennini
2173 12993 Latin Helianthemum apenninum

661122 12993 Latin Helianthemum apenninum subsp. apenninum
483588 12993 Latin Helianthemum farinulentum
483589 12993 Latin Helianthemum masguindalii
483590 12993 Latin Helianthemum polifolium

483591 12993 Latin Helianthemum pulverulentum

913016 12993 Slovene 1 Apeninsko sončece


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