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Ta termin je tudi v:
 Alpska flora
 Botanični vrt LJ
 Miljski/Ankaranski polotok - rastline
 Orto Botanico Napoli
 Slovenija - Ljubljansko barje
 Botanischer Garten Universität Mainz
 Slovenija kras
 Göteborgs botaniska trädgård
 Nearktika = Severna Amerika - Kanada + USA (Severno od Mehike)
Taxa: Stellaris
l2 term description link
42358 4649 Croatian 1 Lašćet divji
42355 4649 Croatian 2 Ptičje mleko
42359 4649 Croatian 1 Ptičje mliko
42356 4649 Croatian 1 Ptičje mljeko
23097 4649 Croatian 4 Štitasto ptičje mlijeko
663592 4649 Czech 1 Bledavka okolíkatá

663594 4649 Czech 1 Křivatec vrcholičnatý

893217 4649 Czech 1 Sně

2587351 4649 Czech sňedek
255095 4649 Czech 1 Snědek chocholičnatý

663596 4649 Czech 1 Snědek chocholíkatý
663597 4649 Czech 1 Snědek rozkla
2310391 4649 Czech 1 Snědek rozkladitý
620002 4649 Czech 1 Snědek úzkolistý
663595 4649 Czech 1 Snědek vrcholičnatý
30519 4649 Dutch 1 Gewoone vogelmelk
196200 4649 Dutch 2 Vogelmelk gewoone

2510509 4649 English 1 Dove's dung
258387 4649 English 1 Of bethlehem star
2550405 4649 English 1 sleepydick
766007 4649 English 4 Star of bethlehem
42357 4649 English 1 Star of betlehem
30523 4649 French 3 Dame d'onze heures

196197 4649 French 3 Ornithogale en ombelle

605810 4649 German 1 Artengr. dolden milchstern
260167 4649 German 6 Dolden milchstern
2276142 4649 German 1 Doldiger milchstern
196195 4649 German 2 Milchstern dolden
2334195 4649 German 1 Schmalblättrige milchstern
196198 4649 German 2 Stern von bethlehem

30524 4649 Italian 2 Cipollone bianco

196194 4649 Italian 2 Latte di gallina

2278152 4649 Italian 1 Latte di gallina ad ombrella
264561 4649 Italian 1 Latte di gallina comune
720403 4649 Latin Hyacinthus umbellatus

863556 4649 Latin Ornithogalum affine

620001 4649 Latin Ornithogalum angustifolium

863557 4649 Latin Ornithogalum boraeanum

863558 4649 Latin Ornithogalum campestre

863559 4649 Latin Ornithogalum cespititium

720188 4649 Latin Ornithogalum comosum subsp. garganicum

863560 4649 Latin Ornithogalum corymbosum

863561 4649 Latin Ornithogalum dioscoridis

863562 4649 Latin Ornithogalum fasciculatum

490996 4649 Latin Ornithogalum garganicum

863563 4649 Latin Ornithogalum horologicum

863564 4649 Latin Ornithogalum minus

490812 4649 Latin Ornithogalum nanum

863565 4649 Latin Ornithogalum parviflorum

490803 4649 Latin Ornithogalum paterfamilias
863566 4649 Latin Ornithogalum peyrei

863567 4649 Latin Ornithogalum praetextum

863568 4649 Latin Ornithogalum preumbellatum

863569 4649 Latin Ornithogalum rusticum

863570 4649 Latin Ornithogalum stellare

863571 4649 Latin Ornithogalum tardans

5807 4649 Latin Ornithogalum umbellatum

863572 4649 Latin Ornithogalum umbellatum subsp. angustifolium

490997 4649 Latin Ornithogalum umbellatum subsp. campestre

490804 4649 Latin Ornithogalum umbellatum subsp. paterfamilias
490805 4649 Latin Ornithogalum umbellatum subsp. umbellatum var. divergens
491004 4649 Latin Ornithogalum umbellatum subsp. umbellatum var. longebracteatum
863573 4649 Latin Ornithogalum umbellatum var. angustifolium

863574 4649 Latin Ornithogalum umbellatum var. minus

863575 4649 Latin Ornithogalum umbellatum var. nanum

490998 4649 Latin Ornithogalum umbellatum var. umbellatum
863576 4649 Latin Ornithogalum vulgare

863577 4649 Latin Scilla campestris

863578 4649 Latin Stellaris corymbosa

692767 4649 Polish 1 Śniadek baldaszkowy
692869 4649 Polish 1 Śniedek baldaszkowaty
30522 4649 Portuguese 2 Leite de galinha

243666 4649 Serbian 1 Luk vranji

243668 4649 Serbian 2 Ptičje mleko

243667 4649 Serbian 1 Štitasti

906983 4649 Serbian 1 Лук врањи

713264 4649 Slovak 1 Bledavka okolíkatá
721786 4649 Slovene 1 Belo ptičje mleko
5806 4649 Slovene 7 Kobulasto ptičje mleko

30520 4649 Spanish 2 Ajo de lobo

196193 4649 Spanish 2 Culebrilla ajera

196196 4649 Spanish 2 Leche de gallina

196199 4649 Spanish 2 Leche de pajero

30521 4649 Swedish 2 Morgonstjaernor


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