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Photo:©2024 Cvenkel Miran < > Cloeon dipterum...Thesaurus 
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Taxa: Chloeon Cloe Cloeopsis

Cloeon dipterum, Mlakužnica

Cloeon dipterum, Mlakužnica
Cloeon dipterum, Mlakužnica
Slovenia Cerkniško jezero   jezero 04.04.2011 miran    
Slovenia Cerkniško jezero   jezero 04.04.2011 miran    
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Komentarji :
231 en 05.04.2011   18:49:26   miran       
We might be carefull with the name C. dipterum, for it may be a complex of species. Some authors believe that there they include C. intextum and C. praetextum, but others don"t. On this photo however, it cannot be even decided if it perhaps is C. simile, a true species. Source of that inf: link However: it is established, by those authors ( link ), that c.dipterun exists at location of Cerkniško jezero:. So it might as well be it.
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