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Hyalesthes obsoletus, Svetleči škržatek
Hyalesthes obsoletus, Svetleči škržatek
Komentarji Samo za taxonomsko enoto: Hyalesthes:
902 en 27.07.2013   16:57:26   miran -->

Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret, 1865

In the sunny sloping vineyards of the NE Slovenia it often appears quite abundantly.
Adults are mostly found feeding on Urtica dioica and Convolvulus arvensis, but
other herbs and sometimes grapevine are also used as food-plants. They appear from
end of May to the beginning of August. This species is well known as a vector of
harmful phytoplasma disease of grapevine - Grapevine bois noir phytoplasma, which
had an important impact on grape production in Drava wine-region in the last few
years. The two-year investigations carried out in vineyards of NE Slovenia showed
a comparatively close correlation between the population rate of Hyalesthes
obsoletus and the disease incidence (Seljak & al, 2003).

Hyalesthes luteipes Fieber, 1876

Adults appear from the beginning of June to the middle of August. They were often
found as very numerous populations, so far only on Ulmus spp. Its occurrence in
Slovenia is limited to the submediterranean SW part of the country.
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